Enjoy self discovery
All roads in authentic search for the divine lead to the same place.
The following services are designed to bring together you and others to meet in sacred harmony through spiritual gatherings where you are in your space with the intention of allowing others to grow at their own pace as you do at yours.
As you reflect: The road you are on and are taking, is it enjoyable and fulfilling? When the answers you have are no longer working or if there is no one else's answers that seem to be helping, it is quite possible you have lost touch with your inner navigation system. Your intuition offers the strongest guidance and yet it has been given very little validation in its role upon arriving at an answer. An answer may be in the form of having resolve or simply moving forward. Seeing, sensing or feeling are all part of your intuition and the question then becomes, can you close your eyes, center and turn to your spiritual nature as that is where your intuition is the strongest. Then it becomes a question of will you go on an adventure! Here is a culmination of about thirty years.
a simple Mission
Live life through self. Enjoy being connected to your higher consciousness and let your ‘work’ unfold into your purpose.